
smart led coverbag





smart led bag ciqa2

Ciqa2 is a unique bag that embeds smart technology inside. With colored LED lights that can be controlled with an application, Ciqa2 is ready to express the feelings & mood you want to display.

Ciqa2 is a bag with smart technology in it. Shown with colored LED lights that can be adjusted with the application, Ciqa2 is ready to help in your daily life style and suitable for almost everyone: People who like cycling, usually have outdoor activities, or those who want to look different from the others.

Show Your Active &
Creative Side with Ciqa2

From pixel art creations, setting up clock & timer playing games, make a running text to using Smart Sign for cycling. Everything is available in one app: Ciqa2

Click each product for Detail

Click each feature for Video Tutorial

widget smart led bag


Time is matter! Clock, Stopwatch, Timer & Scoreboard features

How to use Widget

remote smart led bag


Smart Sign feature. You can use manually or automatically to give signal when cycling. Also, set up your playlist here

How to use Remote

games smart led bag


Let's battle with your friends in various exciting pixel games: Tetris, Snake, Flappy Bird, Arkanoid

How to play Games

design smart led bag


Bring out your creative side by creating your own pixel art designs!

How to create Design

upload smart led bag


Have an interesting GIF animation? Upload the GIF file here (must be a 16x16 pixel image)

How to Upload Image

text smart led bag


Express your feelings & mood by creating text that will instantly appear on the bag

How to use Text

Ciqa2 come with its mobile phone application for both IOS and android platform
how apps smart bag works

Remote Mode with Smart Stop Sign Feature (Cycling Mode)

This feature is specifically used when riding a bicycle. It can displays right, left, go forward and stop signs controlled in the Ciqa2 Apps or Ciqa2 Signal Remote Control.

With IMU technology, the Smart Stop Sign Feature will activate automatically by sudden stop movement.

In addition to displaying signs, the remote can be used for managing playlist. You can choose up to 5 combination of animation, images & text to accompany you on your journey.

Personalize your Apps

Want to display photos & background colors according to your character? Or do you want the style to be the same as your community friends?

Of course you can!

With the ‘Change Theme’ feature you can change the Ciqa2 logo when you open the application, into a photo or community logo. The background color can also be changed as you like.

what is features in smart bag apps
Ciqa2 Hydropack & Cover Bag |


Light up your life

Make your life full of inspiration, hope and wonderÂ